Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bad Debt Is Not Always A Total Loss

Category: Finance, Credit.

A lot of companies and businesses often end up with bad debt.

To them it s just a cost of doing business. These companies regard the bad debt as a loss for all intents and purposes. From the accounting department s point of view, this debt is in the accounts receivable category and these accounts receivable will not be paid. Most companies and its ownership/ management will anticipate some bad debt from time to time. Sooner or later, these bad debts will be written off by the company and then put into the expense category, which reduces the income of the company on the accounting statements. It s unfortunate but also a part of doing business. In a competitive world, bad debt is often just part of doing business.

This debt could be from loans paid out that will not be repaid or from accounts that will not be paid for various reasons. There are many business experts who will make their reputation, as well as their fortunes, on taking some risks to make a profit. Very few business people want to end up with accounts receivables or loans that are not going to be paid off, however they will recognize it s bound happen from time to time. These risks are made based on information available at that particular time. Bad Debt is not Always a Total Loss. The clever accountants can usually find a way to make up for the debt loss that is not collected. Interestingly, not all bad debt is considered disastrous for a business.

The accountants will often uses type of debt to get some money back on taxes when it is reported as a loss. This debt must be considered legitimate debt in the eyes of the Internal Revenue Service( IRS) . This debt can be deducted on tax returns under certain conditions. This debt must also be a loss for the current tax year of the company. And in order to qualify for these deductions the bad debt must meet certain rules. The IRS has many complex rules.

It is the job of the accountant or tax lawyer to study and understand these rules so that there will be no subsequent problems presented by the government auditors and officials. Company debts will differ quite significantly from the debts of an individual. The abuse and misuse of these deductions could be worse than the initial loss from the bad debt. Each company will have experts who are ready and able to figure out ways to use debt to the benefit of their company.

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